The 19th century was a determining one for Versailles palace. The French Empire imagined several times its transformation. The Restoration, in a more modest way, provided the castle with its Dufour Pavilion, symmetrical to Gabriel Pavilion, but Louis-Philippe, King of the French, introduced in Versailles the most important changes by setting in, with the architect Frédéric Nepveu, its museum of history dedicated to “all the glories of France”. The nascent Republic settled there, as testified by the Congress room, in the South wing. Pierre Arizzoli-Clémentel and Jean-Pierre Samoyault combined their passion and science to realize this beautiful book devoted the 19th-century collections of furniture, kept by the public Establishment of the Estate of Versailles in Versailles palace and Trianon. This book follows the two volumes published in 2002 and devoted to 18th-century furniture.
Available, same publisher: Le mobilier de Versailles
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